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א ד ר י כ ל י ם
פרייס פילצר יעבץ

תמא 38 פינוי בינוי
Building Expansion in Tel Aviv
Our office is building eight projects in Tel Aviv under the TAMA 38 framework for reinforcing, rebuilding, or replacing the existing housing fabric of the city. Bringing together building owners, designers, and developers in private initiatives, this program promises to remake and improve the face of the city.
Contact us.
Price Piltzer Yawitz
Architects, Tel Aviv
אבן גבירול 76, קומה 4
ככר רבין, תל אביב
76 Ibn Gvirol Street , Kikar Rabin
Fourth Floor
Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972 3 522 8610
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